2 comments on “[Q&A] Connor Alexander & Derek Pounds (Coyote and Crow)

  1. Pingback: Coyote & Crow

  2. I understand that indigenous people are contributing content to this game to make it successful, but how does the success of this game contribute back to indigenous communities financially? Do any indigenous people share ownership of the game, or somehow have a financial stake in its success? Does the content and lore of the game become the intellectual property of the owner?
    This is important because I think there is a fine line between non-indigenous people celebrating indigenous culture and non-indigenous people using indigenous culture to make money. However well-intentioned, encouraging non-indigenous folk to pretend to be indigenous can co-opt indigenous culture and cause harm to indigenous people, especially if doing so does not give back to indigenous communities in a meaningful way. It can be another way for white people to extract indigenous culture and make it serve them.


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